On Wed 2 Oct, Manchester Lit & Phil welcomes decorated author, journalist and broadcaster Sathnam Sanghera for an unmissable conversation with acclaimed historian Professor Alan Lester, exploring the nuanced impact of British imperialism in the modern world across an illuminating evening at Contact Theatre.

As detailed in his smash-hit 2021 book Empireland and this year’s absorbing sequel, Empireworld, Sanghera has thoroughly interrogated the global significance of British imperial conquest throughout history and its insidious presence in today’s society. Through their conversation at this special event, these two experts will explore the ways in which the deep-seated residue of Empire shapes modern cities, cultures and social models in astonishingly profound ways. Lester, a Professor of Historical Geography, will draw on his own work and the research of other historians to elucidate the relationship between colonial legacies and the sophisticated contemporary discussions they continue to generate.

Taking place from 6.30pm, the one-off conversation provides a vital, timely examination of Empire’s profound impact on the 2.6 billion residents of former British colonies, from the spread of Christianity by British missionaries to its unseen presence in international legislation and its totemic, unrivalled role in fomenting and sustaining white supremacy around the world.

The discussion will also confront the political controversy surrounding colonial history and the professional and spiritual toll it takes on writers and academics who engage in imperial debate, as Sanghera and Lester reiterate the need for a refined, coherent understanding of British colonialism and conquest.

Sathnam and Alan aim to challenge calcified arguments about empire with rigour and reason, as they embrace measured dialogues about history, identity and global legacy to chart a productive course into Britain’s decolonialised future, with contemporary society in the midst of epoch-defining social change.

To book tickets to Manchester Lit & Phil’s unmissable in-conversation event at Contact, click below.

A Manchester Wire Partnership post
Wed 2 Oct, 6.30pm, Contact Theatre,
Oxford Rd, Manchester, M15 6JA
, £7.50-£15
Wolf McFarlane
Published on:
Wed 26 Jun 2024