The world has gone zine mad. With zine fairs springing up all over the place, there’s never been a better time for self-publishers to get their work shown – and for readers to find the perfect zine for them. Manchester Print Fair, the fourth self-publishing event to take place in Manchester and Salford in just three weekends, hits venue-of-the-moment 2022NQ on Saturday 27 October. Expect an array of wares from across the self-publishing spectrum, with stallholders attending from Manchester and Leeds to sell everything from records to limited edition artworks, and of course zines. As well as Manchester zines Young Explorer, Vapid Kitten and OWT Creative, look out for Icecapades Records, artists’ collective m-e-x-i-c-o and Manchester design collectives Ultimate Holding Company, Textbook Studio and Manchester Municipal Design Corporation. Their work will be on display alongside Salford illustration students and other local illustrators, and visitors will be able to buy bags and T-shirts printed with winning entries to a design competition held in the run up to the fair, which will be printed on the day. Visitors will also be able to muck and get their hands dirty with live screen printing from Hope House Prints. If you enjoy this event, there’s sure to be another soon – Manchester Print Fair takes place a few times a year.

Sat 27 Oct, 2022NQ, 20 Dale Street, M1 1EZ, 12pm, FREE,

Sat 27 Oct
Natalie Bradbury
Published on:
Fri 26 Oct 2012