Getting the 12th Manchester Science Festival underway is a special for-one-night-only event at the Science and Industry Museum, You Have Been Upgraded. Described as “a futuristic, science-inspired mash-up of the Graham Norton Show meets Top of the Pops”, this will be a showcase of high-tech prosthetics, cybernetics, nanotechnology, biohacking and virtual reality as revolutionary new applications in the field of medicine. Some of the UK’s leading scientists and experts in the field of human enhancement will be discussing the huge steps already taken in incorporating technology no longer simply as a tool but as an extension of our bodies, and addressing some of the ethical questions facing researchers. They’ll be chatting to the likes of 12-year-old Tilly, fitted with a pair of 3D printed “Hero Arms” from robotics company Open Bionics, and artist Manel Munoz, whose cybernetic sensory organ allows him to perceive changes in atmospheric pressure in his body.

Thu 18 Oct, Science and Industry Museum, Liverpool Road, Castlefield, Manchester, M3 4FP, Tel: 0161 832 2244, 7.30pm, £5,

Thu 18 Oct
Sarah-Clare Conlon
Published on:
Thu 25 Oct 2018