Mrs (she’s respectably married) Barbara (as in Streisand) Nice (like the biscuit) is Stockport’s superstar housewife and mother of five who swapped her hoover for the greasepaint and glamour of the stage. Often adorned with leopard-print lycra and armed with a bag full of bingo dabbers, she’s been selflessly spreading the love and the funnies throughout the country with a feel-good spectacle intent on encouraging people to stop passing each other by and instead to stop, chat and be friendly – a method by which to battle through ‘austerity Britain’. There are fun and frolics guaranteed as well as audience participation – but don’t panic, it’s as painful as a tickling from a feather duster. There have been rumours that Babs is really an actress who goes by the name of Janice Connolly, possibly even having appeared as Holy Mary in Phoenix Nights, but we couldn’t possibly comment.

Fri 19 Apr, The Dancehouse, 10 Oxford Road, M1 5QA, Tel: 0161 237 1413, 8pm, £12 (£10 conc),

Fri 19 Apr
Marissa Burgess
Published on:
Tue 16 Apr 2013