Five years ago, artist David Tovey was sitting on a park bench, homeless and suicidal. The man who sat down next to him saved his life. Several years on, David is recounting this story in the form of an opera. Man on Bench is a fairy tale that places high fashion in the hands of society’s most downtrodden people. Featuring models, poets, actors and musicians, this free performance aims to challenge stereotypes about those who have been homeless and show the joy of second chances. The venue is an appropriately spartan one: Mayfield Depot near Piccadilly Station. The opera was developed with the Museum of Homelessness, and other people who have lived on the streets. The opera rounds off With One Voice’s international summit and festival – a week of events taking place around Manchester that celebrate the power of art in tackling this issue.

Sun 18 Nov, Mayfield Depot, Fairfield Street, Manchester, M1 2QF, 3pm – 4pm, FREE,

Sun 18 Nov
A. James Simpkin
Published on:
Mon 12 Nov 2018