As part of Castlefield Gallery’s launchpad series, the Manchester Left Writers (MLW) present The Powerhouse Liberation Movement, an exhibition to examine urban regeneration and the notion of the free space in Manchester, the city dubbed as The Northern Powerhouse. Do these free spaces still exist? How might we identify them? Are they static or unchanged? MLW – a collective including Natalie Bradbury, Bob Dickinson, Steve Hanson and David Wilkinson – have traversed the city, along waterways, across the ancient earthwork, and travelling out to Stockport, Rochdale and Ardwick to gather material to include in the exhibition: featuring notebook films – a series of low-fi quick raids on territories and ideas – maps, notes, objects, installations and a specially commissioned essay written by Dr Gavin Macdonald of Manchester Metropolitan University, available free for visitors. During the public preview, MLW will perform a sequence of new poems to accompany the work on show and the quintet Vocal Harum will perform a collection of thematic cappella songs.

Fri 6 May – Sun 15 May, Castlefield Gallery, 2 Hewitt Street, Manchester M15 4GB. Tel: 0161 832 8034 Open Wed – Sun 1-6pm, FREE,

Fri 6 May - Sun 15 May
Daisy Kidd
Published on:
Fri 13 May 2016