As you may be aware, Cornerhouse is in the process of moving to a new home, appropriately enough called HOME, on nearby First Street. However, there’s plenty still going on at the old venue. Full Stop, launching later this month, is chance to celebrate the artistic heritage of the iconic Oxford Street venue. The Cafe / Bar space are being handed over to the gallery’s invigilators, who are local artists and creatives. With 11 contributors involved, the likes of Claire Dorsett, Aliyah Hussain, Callum Stephen Higgins and Gemma Parker will be creating site-specific art pieces in a variety of different media. An informal launch event will take place in the Café / Bar from 5.30pm until 7pm on Thursday 19 February. Although it has the very final-sounding title of ‘Full Stop’, the organisers stress that artistic conversation will continue at the new venue. Cornerhouse is dead, long live Cornerhouse!

Thu 19 Feb – Thu 2 Apr, Cornerhouse, 70 Oxford Street, M1 5NH, FREE entry,

Thu 19 Feb - Thu 2 Apr
A. James Simpkin
Published on:
Thu 2 Apr 2015