Jamie, Matt and Mike are Aerial Salad. Starting out only four years ago in 2016, the Manchester punk band have quite the backstory. Beginning as ‘a rag tag bunch of teenagers seeking purpose’, the lads found themselves playing The FEST in Gainesville Florida on what would only be their 9th ever gig. A mix of pure youthful ignorance, lack of experience and playing ability meant that this gig was ultimately a very very bad one – but they did find purpose. After rush-releasing a couple of digital EP’s in order to make the FEST line-up, they caught the eye of Wonk Unit’s Alex Johnson. Seeing something special in the young band, ‘Daddy Wonk’ took them under his wing, giving direction and help to put out their album in what was to be a four-year training course on, essentially, how to be a band. Debut Roach was released in 2017 to favourable reviews and a spot in several top ten lists of the UK punk scene. Frequently drawing comparisons with the 90’s punk rock sound, yet serving it with a Manc charm all of their own – Aerial Salad now bring us their sophomore record Dirt Mall (released Monday 27 March). Spawning singles Romance, Lazy and Stressed thus far – it’s an album by three best mates growing up and navigating life. Connect with the band online via Spotify, Facebook and Instagram or listen to The Big Punk Show Podcast with Mike and Jamie here.

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Cat Allan
Published on:
Wed 8 Apr 2020