Market lovers get ready: from now on the historic Altrincham Market will be bringing together some of Manchester’s finest independent retailers and eateries on a weekly basis. Taking place every Sunday, the main market will rotate each week between: Home, House and Garden (first Sunday of the month); Farmers, Producers and Makers (second Sunday of the month); Vintage Fashion and Furniture (third Sunday) and Craft and Hand Made (fourth Sunday of the month). This Sunday being the final one of January, it’s the inaugural Craft and Hand Made Market, featuring jewellery and watches from Amelia Alice, handmade gifts from Pat & Peg, cards, crafts, prints and more. Be sure to keep your eye out for well-known eateries, too, with Burt’s Cheese, Sam’s Chilli Preserve, Manchester Cheesecake Co., Honest Crust Pizza, Vintage Ts and Fire and Salt BBQ all featuring over the next few weeks.
Sun 26 Jan, The Market Hall, Greenwood Street, Altrincham, WA14 1SA, 10am – 5pm, FREE,
- Words:
- Hannah Phillips
- Published on:
- Thu 23 Jan 2014