Lock down may be continuing for the next few weeks but it hasn’t stopped creatives launching brand new material during this turbulent time. In early May, poet and author Matthew Welton invites audiences to join him live via Zoom to celebrate the debut of his brand new book release Squid Squad: A Novel. This latest collection of poetry sees the Nottingham based author take readers on a alliteration-fuelled tour of his mind via a batch of playful pieces that blur the boundaries between poetry, fiction, music and visual art. To find out more, eager readers can register for just £2 to view this online in-conversation event which will be hosted by fellow poet and novelist Luke Kennard and offer readings of new pieces and the opportunity for viewers to submit their own questions for Matthew to answer. Head here to secure your place and register for this night of new literature on Wednesday 6 May 2020.

Wed 6 May, 7pm - 8pm
Edward Lane
Published on:
Fri 24 Apr 2020