Like the Monkees back in the 1960s, you can imagine Pappy’s all living together in the same wacky house. Indeed, at various points in their past they have. When he and Ben shared a pad, Pappy Tom once commented, ‘all of our rehearsals still happen in the front room and all our props are lying around in there – it does feel a little like Pappy Towers’. They were once a quartet but these days, again a bit like the Monkees (sniff), they’re now a trio: Tom Parry, Ben Clark and Matthew Crosby – but the knockabout humour remains. Their shows are jammed with silly props and surrealisms and are, above all, a lot of fun. Previous years’ shows have encompassed themes such as trying to be more green or the sudden illness of their mysterious, unseen benefactor Pappy (think Charlie’s Angels) but this year is entitled Pappy’s Last Show Ever. Surely not, you cry! Well let’s hope not – but it is an opportunity to mix the madness with pathos in a show that got them nomintated for the Edinburgh Comedy Award this year. And rightly so.

Thu 22 Nov, The Met, Derby Hall  Market Street, Bury, BL9 0BW. Tel: 0161 761 7107, 8pm, £10/8,

Sun 14 Oct
Marissa Burgess
Published on:
Tue 9 Oct 2012