It seems that there’s very little difference between the on- and off-stage Paul Foot. In real life, he’s fey, dramatic, random, surreal and ultimately hilarious, and it’s these qualities that have served him well on the circuit. He used to be able to gleefully split a room as he doddered about on stage like a granddad who’s lost his hankie but these days his audiences are more likely to be made up of fans who know and adore his unique style. Of his beginnings he says: ‘I didn’t really know what I was supposed to do. I’d only really seen a tiny bit of stand up comedy on TV before so I just made it up. I asked if anyone could name a fruit and I would just say something about it. But it went quite well and at the end everyone said very good, and I knew in my bones I wanted to be a professional stand up.’

Wed 14 Nov, The Met, Market Street, Bury, BL9 0BW, Tel: 0161 761 2216, 7.30pm, £12.50.

Wed 14 Nov
Marissa Burgess
Published on:
Tue 13 Nov 2012