Time was, all photographs were long-exposure: The plates of our ancestors were slow to react to light, meaning subjects were forced to irritatingly still while their image was scratched into the glass. This is why everyone looks miserable in old photos. As technology progressed and exposure times shrunk, long exposure became relegate to the artistic sphere where it’s remained ever since. Stilled, running for two days at The Lowry in Salford Quays, is a project that uses long-exposure photography along with dance and improvisation. Images are laid upon images in a performance piece that can last up to twelve hours, creating a strange composite where movements over time are captured by pinhole cameras. The images these cameras produce then become part of the installation. The event is presented by London-based performance group Fevered Sleep, who accompanied by musician Jamie McCarthy and lighting designer Hansjorg Schmidt. This is one photograph where neither subjects nor audience will be left looking miserable.

Tue 20 – Wed 21 Jan, The Lowry, Pier 8, Quays, M50 3AZ, 2pm – 8pm, FREE entry, www.thelowry.com

Tue 20 Jan - Wed 21 Jan
Jon Whiteley
Published on:
Tue 20 Jan 2015