The council has begun a consultation phase to gather public feedback on plans for the regeneration of Holt Town.

Proposals would see the area of east Manchester, which is situated between the city centre and the Etihad Campus, become a ‘new town within the city’, developing 74 acres of currently underused land.

The initial plans include delivering thousands of new homes, including ‘significant affordable housing’ as well as a new cultural offering, high-quality green and play space and a new commercial area.

According to the council, the Holt Town transformation includes:

  • Around 4,500 new homes – including affordable housing, alongside a range of tenures and housing types to diversify the city’s housing offer
  • 15 acres of new and enhanced public green space – including enhanced and regrown woodland
  • 1km play link for young people to enjoy safe outdoor space all year round
  • New commercial space that could support 1,500 new jobs in the area – as well as new cultural and community spaces
  • A range of low-car principles, including safe walking and cycling routes and new mobility hub

The Council says it is also exploring how digital technologies can be embedded into urban regeneration projects to modernise the way residents access public services – from traffic management, waste collection and neighbourhood management to health and social care.

Cllr Gavin White, Manchester City Council’s executive member for housing and development, said:  “We have big ambitions for Holt Town and it’s not an exaggeration when we say we are creating a new town in our city, transforming an underused part of our city centre to create a new community, thousands of new homes, new commercial space and new jobs – all within a sustainable, green and safe neighbourhood.

“As ever, we need the insight from local people to feed into our long-term vision. Feedback from local people is really important as it helps guide our investment in neighbourhoods, with perspective from the people who know the area well.

“It’s easy to take part online – or drop-in to one of our in-person events. We look forward to seeing you.”

The consultation will be open for six weeks from Mon 19 Aug – Sun 29 September. Respondents can provide feedback here.

Locals can also attend two in-person drop-in events at Church of the Apostles & St Cuthbert’s on Wed 18 Sep (1pm-5pm) and Thu 19 Sep (3pm-7pm).

Brad Lengden
Published on:
Mon 19 Aug 2024