Tuck into this innovative film festival in Liverpool. Screening a diverse range of films in which food is both celebrated and debated, there are a number of extra activities to try at Food for Real, from tree planting to making your own zoetrope animation. And the venues are something special too. Check out the cycle-through cinema at Camp and Furnace (the former A Foundation), and get cosy at Britain’s first cinema in a poly-tunnel at Dutch Farm. The excellent Bold Street Coffee, meanwhile, will be screening customers’ short films. We particularly like the look of Martha Rossler’s subversive Semiotics of the Kitchen (1975), where the US artist names the ingredients of a housewife’s day (Thu 22 Nov, Blackburn House, 7.30pm), and Japanese comedy Tampopo (pictured, 1985), with noodle soup for sale and bike doctors on hand to fix your steed while you watch (Sun 25 Nov, Camp and Furnace, from 3pm).

Wed 21 Nov – Sun 25 Nov, various venues, www.foodforreal.co.uk

Wed 21 Nov - Sun 25 Nov
Ruth Allan
Published on:
Sat 24 Nov 2012