Many people may know the Greek-style building on the corner of Mosley Street and Charlotte Street only as The Bank pub. However, others will be aware that it also houses the Portico Library & Gallery. The gallery is open to the public, but the library is more enigmatic: to use it you have to be a member, and it’s rather exclusive. Thankfully, the staff are organising a several tours so the public can nosy around this quirky 19th Century institution. The tours will take place on the third Monday of each month, throughout summer. Meeting in the foyer of Manchester Art Gallery, they will begin with a short history of the city’s Georgian streets, before moving to the library for an in-depth exploration of its collection, curios and characters. The events will be hosted by Ed Glinert, a local guide and author. The tour ends with coffee and cake.
Mon 18 May, Mon 15 June, Mon 20 July, Mon 17 Aug, Portico Library and Gallery, Mosley Street, 1.30pm, £8.50 (with coffee and cake), £5 (tour only),
- Words:
- A. James Simpkin
- Published on:
- Thu 13 Aug 2015