The Lass O’Gowrie used to known as the pub that you’d be most likely to catch a glimpse of a BBC newsreader having a lunchtime pint. Sadly, the old BBC building is being knocked down but the pub lives on – not least because of it’s excellent pies, fine ales and the fact that  it’s transformed itself into a venue for cutting-edge fringe theatre and comedy. One of the monthly shows it hosts is SAS Comedy, a show run by Peter Slater (pictured) and Lee Fenwick, with special guests. Slater will be on his own this Saturday with co-pilot Fenwick at the Edinburgh Fringe. Expect a showcase of comic personalities including Vietnam veteran Peter Pittsburg and a hilarious version of Christopher Walken. If you like a laugh, this is a venue to watch: in October The Lass will be a hub for the Greater Manchester Comedy Fringe Festival, which takes the place of the Manchester Comedy Festival this year.

Sat 18 Aug, Lass O’Gowrie, 36 Charles Steet, M1. Tel: 0161 273 6932, 8.30pm, £3 OTD,

Sat 18 Aug
Marissa Burgess
Published on:
Wed 15 Aug 2012