Alongside the Scuttlers, the new play inspired by Manchester gangs of yore, the Royal Exchange is hosting an evening to discuss more recent gang activity in the city. Chair will be writer, DJ, and veteran of stage conversations, Dave Haslam. He will be joined by experts in modern day gangs including Chief Constable Garry Shewan from Greater Manchester Police, Ruth Ibegbuna, author of On Youth and CEO of Reclaim, and Senior Lecturers from MMU. Discussing the behaviour and psychology of 21st century gangs as well as how the city has responded and how it should respond to it, questions and views will be encouraged from the audience. The chance for a in-depth view into how the city is dealing with gang culture as well as how it is working with charities such as Mothers Against Violence and Community Change Foundation to affect change within youth culture.

Sat 28 Feb, Royal Exchange Theatre, St Ann’s Square, Manchester M2 7DH, noon, £6,

Sat 28 Feb
Joe Daly
Published on:
Tue 24 Feb 2015