Sham Bodie is a night like no other. Or at least it’s like every night you’ve known – but smushed together. Aiming for a TFI Friday vibe by mixing chat, sketches, live music, stand up comedy and art, the proceedings will be overseen by ringmaster, comedian, writer and director Ben Tonge. When the words ‘chat show’ and ‘variety show’ are bandied around it usually spells bad news – but judging by the calibre of acts on the line-up for the first outing, there are no such worries here. Joining Tonge will be current Manchester faves Pins, hot on the heels of the release of their critically acclaimed debut album and European tour, plus stand up Liam Pickford, Outhouse & Car Booty pioneer and artist Tasha Whittle, and extra-terrestrial nutball Mr Susie. Also mixing in short comedy sketches from local film-makers, the evening will be carried along by Tonge’s rising status among the Manchester comedy fraternity to produce what may well be a night like no other.

Thu 7 Nov, The Castle Hotel, 66 Oldham Street, M4 1LE. Tel: 0161 237 9485 8pm £10

Thu 7 Nov
Joshua Gordon
Published on:
Thu 17 Oct 2013