Oddest Bar has launched a new summer menu. Using only the best locally sourced ingredients (including meat from Chorlton’s Frost butchers, sustainable fish and free range eggs) the menu is full of fresh, quality food that doesn’t break the bank. It’s the kind of stuff you’ll love to eat – think burgers, stacks of pancakes, sharing boards, wraps, perfect chips: basically food for the heart and soul, that you will want to enjoy with friends. Plus it’s affordable, so there’s no reason not to pop in for your supper, or lunch… or breakfast. In fact, big breakfasts are served daily until 4pm – and on weekends, you can enjoy a huge selection of eggs, pancakes and so on, with a Bloody Mary for £3 on the side. The burger selection is bursting with future classics: Black & Blue for example is a Cajun grilled beef burger with blue stilton, there’s a Cheshire pork and chorizo burger and a chargrilled chicken pesto burger while veggie delights include a spicy Moroccan creation and the marvellously named ‘Shroom With A View’. Oddest’s famous meat boards are now bigger and better than ever, taking in pulled chilli beef brisket, crispy fried buttermilk chicken wings, roasted chorizo, Bourbon BBQ beans, toasted flat bread, pickled chillis & Cajun sweet potato wedges. We’re surprised there’s room, but there are plenty of old favourites in there too. Read all about it here.

Oddest, 414-416 Wilbraham Road, Manchester, M21 0SD. Tel: 0161 860 7515. www.oddestbar.co.uk

Ruth Allan
Published on:
Tue 23 Jun 2015