For the everyday BBC 6 Music listener, exploration of ‘world music’ is often piped in by the rock and folk aristocracy. So Future Sound of Mzansi, a music documentary exploring the past, present and future sounds of South Africa is food for thought. Spoek Mathambo’s mix of electronica, hip-hop and traditional Zulu maskandi music is a staple of the culture, with the film exploring its sub-genres through artists such as Aero Manyelo, Black Coffee and Christian Tiger School. Spoek himself will perform with his five-strong Fantasma collective for a free show at Band on the Wall this Thursday. Then on Friday he hosts a live Q+A after Future Sound of Mzansi has been screened at Islington Mill – and there’s an after-party too. It would rude not to after so much appetite whetting with South African house and a whole load of genres you’re unlikely to have experienced before.

Thu 12 Mar, Band on the Wall, 25 Swan Street, M4 5JZ. Tel:0161 834 1786, 7.30pm, FREE – booking recommended,

Fri 13 Mar, Islington Mill, 1 James Street, Salford, M3 5HW, Tel: 0161 278 6404, 7.30pm – late (last entry 8pm), £16,

Thu 12 Mar - Fri 13 Mar
Thomas Ingham
Published on:
Tue 10 Mar 2015