A gallery where you can pull your favourite prints off the wall and take them home with you? That’s the plan at the Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art (CFCCA) this week. To mark the end of the current Stanley Chow retrospective, the centre is hosting a first-come, first-serve ‘takeaway’ of all the prints featured in the exhibition. Prints will be framed and available for the price of a takeaway, with proceeds of the sale being used to support the CCFCA artistic programme. Stanley Chow is a Manchester-based artist, who started out almost 20 years ago designing posters for his club night. He’s now an internationally recognised illustrator and designer. So if you have an appetite for art, get down early, as prints are limited. The Hip Hop Chip Shop will also be setting up outside the centre to serve food for the evening.

Thu 19 Jun, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, 13 Thomas Street, M4 1EU, Tel: 0161 832 7271, 6.30pm, FREE entry, www.cfcca.org.uk

Thu 19 Jun
Frank Balmer
Published on:
Mon 16 Jun 2014