Saddle Club is the new name for the established Northern Quarter boozer the Bay Horse’s basement. Along with the opulent and noir-ish surroundings – including a large fresco piece by local artist David Bailey – is a new cocktail menu. The launch has also birthed a new music promotion in the form of Something Else NQ – run by Wire contributor David McLean. The DJ night was set up as a reaction to a distinct lack of jazz sets (Matt & Phreds and Band on the Wall excluded). Whether you’re into the cosmic sounds of Sun Ra, the fire music of Archie Shepp, the spiritualism of St John Coltrane or want to click your fingers along to the finest cuts from the legendary Blue Note records, Something Else has you covered every Thursday.

Every Thursday, Saddle Club at The Bay Horse, 35-37 Thomas Street, Lancashire M4 1NA. 6pm – close, FREE,

Thu 20 Nov
Joshua Gordon
Published on:
Sat 15 Nov 2014