Based upon the magical true story of Jadav Payeng, ‘The Last Forest Man of India’, renowned choreographer and dance artist Payal Ramchandani presents a wondrous meditation on ‘climatic trauma’ and our urgent duty to the natural world through a unique blend of Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi and contemporary dance with The Forest Dream at The Lowry on Tue 10 Oct.

forest dream at the lowry

Backed by an enchanting combination of Carnatic music and western soundscapes, the stirring production recounts the tale of Jadav and his incredible connection to Aranyani, Goddess of Forests, and reveals a beautiful but precarious ecosystem under threat from relentless industrialisation and deforestation. Through a combination of spellbinding mythology, wondrously expressive movement and prescient contemporary narratives, The Forest Dream offers a compelling message on climate change and our capacity to alter our future with a show perfect for adults and children (10+) alike.

forest dream at the lowry

With over twenty-seven years of experience including performances across the globe, Payal Ramchandani brings a stylistically diverse dance show driven by contemporary ideologies and social practices which ‘metamorphose into a vocabulary that is well balanced between tradition and modernity’. Through the unique yet profoundly harmonious union of Bharatanatyam and Kuchipudi – considered to be the most difficult and skilful Indian classical dance forms – and elements of contemporary dance, Ramchandani interrogates large-scale modern-day issues and holds up a mirror to the audience with complex, emotionally charged rhythmic patterns and mesmerising footwork, compelling viewers to reflect on the ramifications of their collective behaviour while issuing a call to action for present and future generations.

Click here to book tickets.

A Manchester Wire Partnership post
Tue 10 Oct, 8pm, The Lowry,
Pier 8, Salford Quays, Salford, M50 3AZ
, Tel: 0161 876 2000, From £16.50
Wolf McFarlane
Published on:
Mon 9 Oct 2023