Inspired by the extraordinary true story of ‘The Forest Man of India’ and his profound connection with Aranyani, Goddess of Forests, acclaimed dancer Payal Ramchandani brings a breathtaking and fiercely urgent meditation on natural wonder and climatic trauma to The Lowry with The Forest Dream on Tue 10 Oct.

Set to a mystifying blend of Carnatic music and western soundscapes, The Forest Dream follows the enchanting tale of Jadav, who invites the audience to join his tribe and enter his world – a large island on the untamed Brahmputra River – revealing a precious, delicate ecosystem under imminent threat from rampant industrialisation and deforestation.

Through a captivating mix of Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi and contemporary dance styles, Ramchandani’s stirring production invites current and future generations to reflect on their duty to our planet, as time runs out on our potential for salvation.

Click here to book tickets.

A Manchester Wire Partnership post
Tue 10 Oct, 8pm, The Lowry,
Pier 8, Salford Quays, Salford, M50 3AZ
, Tel: 0161 876 2000, From £16.50
Wolf McFarlane
Published on:
Tue 3 Oct 2023