This month, the folks behind The Jackalope are running their first event following their exit from the Chorlton bar scene. A mini-festival at First Chop Brewing Arm, the event is headlined by Liverpool-based electro/psych/folk group Bird, who are promoting their new album My Fear and Me. The band, who were recently praised by the Guardian for their lyrical imagery and their ability to defy categorisation, are influenced by the likes of Leonard Cohen, Cocteau Twins, Warpaint and (strangely) Fleetwood Mac. Other acts performing at the brewery are Hartheim, The Gildings, The Bear Around Your Neck and John Ainsworth. Food from The Moocher will be available under the cobbled arch, and First Chop’s many ale will be served.
Sat 21 Jun, First Chop Brewing Arm, Unit 3 Trinity Way, Salford, M3 5EN, 7pm, £7 adv,
- Words:
- A. James Simpkin
- Published on:
- Fri 13 Jun 2014