Having supported Jake Bugg on tour last year, hot local rocker Findlay celebrates with a home coming show, her electric stage presence fully intact. Described by NME as ‘a one-woman Kills,’ the 21-year-old Manchester native channels garage-tinged blues-rock in a gritty fashion and follows previous single Your Sister with the release of her high velocity new EP, Off & On. Download the title track for free here and don’t expect anything less than a fierce performance. Support comes from Manc indie maestros Shinies and Pink Teens.

Fri 19 Apr, The Ruby Lounge, High Street, M4 1QB, Tel: 0161 834 1392, 7.30pm, £6, www.seetickets.com

Fri 19 Apr
Hannah Phillips
Published on:
Tue 16 Apr 2013