In response to a certain unnamed political extravaganza in May, the People’s History Museum hosts Never Mind the Politics this Saturday. The day-and-night event will take you through an edited highlights tour of popular political protest – from Chartism to chart music with the English Disco Lovers (pictured), PHM will host a range of family workshops and talks about popular movements that are fighting for change in the most creative ways. The museum will be filled with music-making and song with a more adult-orientated event raising funds in the evening, as Marion and The Lonesome & Penniless Cowboys take to the stage from 7.30pm. So if you know your skiffle from your political scuffles and your favourite part of the museum is the jukebox (whose isn’t, secretly?) you’ll have a great day out.

Sat 28 Mar, Never Mind the Politics, People’s History Museum, Left Bank, Spinningfields, M3 3ER, 11am onwards (evening fundraiser 7.30pm – 11pm), FREE during the day (£8 adv / £10 on the door for the evening),

Sat 28 Mar
Connie Witham
Published on:
Fri 27 Mar 2015