Obviously, the guys at Keko Moku have had other things on their minds this week – what with friends, brothers and neighbours Almost Famous burning down above them – but they’re ploughing on regardless, and hoping to provide true love along the way. If you’re a) single b) free on Monday night and c) like drinking El Dorado Swizzles (one of the most famous and sought after rum drinks in the world) then you could be in luck, as Tiki speed dating comes to the Northern Quarter. Finding your true love is free, but the swizzles will cost a fiver. It’ll probably be worth letting them know you’re coming through Facebook if you do fancy it – just so they’ve got the right number of tables and that.

Mon 1 Jul, Keko Moku, 100 High Street, M4 1HP, 6pm, Free, https://www.facebook.com/

Mon 1 Jul
Matthew Britton
Published on:
Mon 10 Jun 2013