The simply named Billy creates unique, colourful and positive artworks. Taking influence and inspiration from traditional and contemporary African tribal culture (she spent her younger days in South Africa) she creates distinctive shapes, colours, characters and symbols with an intention to communicate a positive visual image. Too Much Vino is her first solo UK show and will be covering the walls of Common until the summer. A visual account of the observations she made as a child of her parents and their friends getting drunk, through to present day where she lives in Berlin (she’s covered quite a lot of their walls too), she enjoys the odd drop of wine and you can too, as she explores a taste for wine, a love of colour and her search for happiness.

Thu 24 Jan – Jul, Common, 39-41 Edge Street M4 1HW, 6pm (Thu) then during opening hours, FREE. Tel: 0161 832

Thu 24 Jan - Mon 1 Jul
John Stansfield
Published on:
Wed 23 Jan 2013