Female film and creative industry workers would be well advised to pop along to UnderWire Festival’s networking event at the Black Lion in Salford this Thursday. Boring on-screen tropes and skewed depictions (Bechdel test anyone?) are unsurprising given the low numbers of women working in film and their lack of visibility. UnderWire aim to fix this imbalance. Set up in 2010 to celebrate the best short film by women in the UK, its ambition is to support females in all roles across the industry, and create platforms for showing work. The Manchester event is one of many across the UK and will include screenings of the 2011 festival winners, an ‘open mic’ session where people can screen their shorts (even work-in-progress) to feedback from the audience, and most importantly, time for talking. Oh and a free drink. Bonus.

Thu 2 Aug, The Black Lion, 63 Chapel Street, Salford, M3 5BZ, Tel: 0161 839 9882, 7pm, £6 – book at theunderwirenetwork.eventbrite.com

Thu 2 Aug
Carmel Thomason
Published on:
Thu 2 Aug 2012