Vikki Stone is probably best known for making Phillip Schofield blush on This Morning with a considerably cleaned up version of the musical confession of her unrequited love for him. Stone’s a trained musical actor and, fed up of waiting by the phone for work (or Phillip) to come to her, decided to create her own. Off she went to write some cheeky, potty-mouthed songs to bang out on her keyboard in clubs and theatres across the land. There’s also a fair few of them on YouTube. People liked them, particularly the Schofield ode, and her following developed. Now on her third solo show, fresh from this year’s Edinburgh Fringe, the Schofield song probably won’t get a look in (though maybe in the encore if you ask nicely) as rumour has it that someone else has replaced him in Stone’s affections. There’s certain to be plenty of new material and possibly some dog dancing if her dog Bert’s got it perfected yet.

Fri 27 Sep, The Lowry, Pier 8, Salford Quays, M50 3AZ, Tel: 0843 208 6000, 8pm, £12,

Fri 27 Sep
Marissa Burgess
Published on:
Mon 23 Sep 2013