Why not spend this April Fool’s Day doing something smart, not foolish? For example, the Working Class Movement Library in Salford is hosting an open afternoon. On display will be material relating to the battle for women’s suffrage. Standout items include the leaflet ‘Broken Windows’, in which Christabel Pankhurst justifies the actions taken by her fellow Suffragettes in 1912 – when they took part in a mass window-smashing demonstration. This extensive collection comes from the Library’s own archives, the People’s History Museum, and items that were acquired as part of a Heritage Lottery Fund project called ‘Voting for Change’. A member of staff will be on hand for discussion, and to provide refreshments. You can drop in any time during the early afternoon; booking is not required.
Sat 1 Apr, Working Class Movement Library, 51 Crescent, Salford, M5 4WX, Tel: 0161 736 3601, noon – 3pm, FREE, www.wcml.org.uk
- Words:
- A. James Simpkin
- Published on:
- Mon 27 Mar 2017