Seeing the wealth of talent on show around the Manchester comedy circuit is enough to make other comics break out in a cold sweat. Not so John Cooper who saw the unbalanced ratio of acts to venues and sought a solution by setting up his own night. Prolific stand-up Cooper (you may have seen him as the duffle-coated, idiot-sans-savant Danny Pensive) brings six acts to the Lass for a night of new and exciting comedy. The idea of Wet Feet is for new comedians to get their feet wet, and for more established acts to try out new stuff in front of an audience. Cooper captains the good ship Wet Feet and leads it into unchartered hilarious waters, steering it away from the choppy seas of mundanity with a closing bit known as ‘Talk the Plank’. This is where the audience suggests a topic to the performer (usually with a history in improv) and they must then craft an act around that. Great fun and FREE for all-comers.

Sun 18 Aug (every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month), Lass O’ Gowrie, Charles Street, M1 7DB, 8pm, FREE,

Sun 18 Aug
John Stansfield
Published on:
Thu 18 Jul 2013