If the chatter and bad manners of other moviegoers send you into a Falling Down-style rampage of retribution, look no further than Shut Up and Watch It. Manchester School of Art’s cinema club provides free teatime screenings open to all film-lovers – except those who talk, text or otherwise rustle during the movie. Viewers vote on the forthcoming programme, which so far this autumn has included Scorsese’s Hugo and Hitchcock’s Rear Window (pictured). Next up is the original 1997 version of Funny Games, Michael Haneke’s unforgiving home-invasion arthouse shocker.

Tue 30 Oct (+ every Tue), Lecture Theatre 2, Geoffrey Manton Building, All Saints Campus, Manchester Metropolitan University, Oxford Road, M15 6LL, 5pm – 8pm, FREE http://www.shutupandwatch.it/home

Tue 30 Oct - Tue 18 Dec
Joe Cairns
Published on:
Sun 28 Oct 2012