Paul Banks has made a statement with his most recent and self-titled album. Gone is the Julian Plenti façade created for his solo record, (2009’s Julian Plenti Is… Skyscraper), and absent are his Interpol bandmates, who are all off pursuing their own individual projects. It’s just Paul Banks, no gimmicks. The result is a sound that’s more relaxed but still imbued with his trademark intensity. Combining terse guitars, eerie instrumentals and his accomplished songwriting, this debut tour under his own name is one for fans of both Interpol and Paul’s own work alike. For a sample, check out The Base. Support comes from rising Californian five-piece The Neighbourhood (see the Guardian’s New Band of the Day preview here).

Tue 22 Jan, Sound Control, 1 New Wakefield Street, M1 5NP, Tel: 0161 236 0340, 7.30pm, £17.50,

Tue 22 Jan
Hannah Phillips
Published on:
Sun 20 Jan 2013