Hayley Cropper may have ended it all – but where she dies, Julie Hesmondhalgh lives on. Although primarily known as Weatherfield’s favourite transgender, Hesmondhalgh has always kept one foot treading the boards and this month stars in the premiere of Blindsided by Simon Stephens at the Royal Exchange. This new play – by the Olivier Award winning writer of Port, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night and Punk Rock – is a heartbreaking tale of battered love in 1970s Stockport with glowing reviews piling in for its raw storytelling and performances. Only playing for the next fortnight, this is one of the RX’s most significant new shows.

Until Sat 15 Feb (not Sundays), Royal Exchange, St Ann’s Square, M2 7DH, Tel: 0161 833 9833. Times and prices vary, www.royalexchange.co.uk

Thu 23 Jan - Sat 15 Feb
John Stansfield
Published on:
Fri 31 Jan 2014