Side-splitting one-woman comedy show, Going Deutsch, comes to Manchester Jewish Museum this November, as part of the venue’s impressive Synagogue Nights series.

Anna Clover is behind the unique production, which she describes as “a show about cultural connection, being part of a diaspora and what we inherit from those who went before.”

Following a bereavement, Brexit and a bad breakup, Anna takes it upon herself to make some changes in her life — one of which involves getting back together with an ex, much to the displeasure of friends and family.

This is no ordinary ‘will they, won’t they?’ story though. That’s because the ex on this occasion…is an entire country. In Going Deutsch Anna contemplates romance with Germany, the country offering her citizenship but the same one that took the lives, and passports, of so many who came before her.

Going Deutsch

Speaking about the unlikely inspiration for her show, Anna said: “I first had the idea for Going Deutsch after Brexit when I discovered I was eligible to receive a German passport as a descendant of victims of Nazi persecution. At that time when multiple friends were reconnecting with their Irish heritages in order to retain EU citizenship, I was so excited and relieved to have a way to hold onto my own strong European identity.

“What I hadn’t anticipated was the range of perspectives others in my family had about taking this passport back and the way they talked about it reminded me of the language around people who return to abusive partners and the idea for Going Deutsch was born.

“If you ever been spurned by a lover, or a country, you will relate to this show. The show is thoughtful and at times provocative, but the aim is to make the audience laugh.”

Going Deutsch comes to Manchester Jewish Museum on Sun 6 Nov. Tickets are on sale now, you can grab yours using the button below.

A Manchester Wire Partnership post
Sun 6 Nov
Bradley Lengden
Published on:
Mon 17 Oct 2022