As if the comedy wasn’t tempting enough, many nights offer food as part of the comedy package. This could be curly fries, a spicy curry or a bag of crisps from behind the bar. The latest to join the grub and gags gang is La Tasca, with a comedy show on the last Friday of the month. This month, Tony Vino will be hosting the comedy bits, while another local lad, Andy Kind, takes the opening slot. Headlining are Brian Damage and Krysstal, veteran’s of London’s Pear Shaped comedy club in Fitzrovia where anything goes (and frequently does). The pair met at the Edinburgh Fringe when Brian, impressed by the size of Krysstal’s glasses and what she could do with tambourine married her a month later. Billed as musical comedy, the duo entertain with a series of heartfelt numbers such as ‘Hotel Torremolinos’.

Fri 31 Aug, La Tasca, 76 Deansgate, M3. Tel: 0161 834 8234, 6pm/8.30pm, £22.45 comedy and meal/£7.50 comedy only

Fri 31 Aug
Marissa Burgess
Published on:
Fri 31 Aug 2012