Manchester Museum hosts a Pan African Congress tomorrow as part of a four-month, city-wide celebration of West Africa art, We Face Forward. This panel event debates the lasting impact of the 1945 Pan African Congress, which welcomed 90 delegates to All Saints in Manchester – including Jomo Kenyatta, the first President of Kenya, and W.E.B DuBois, the man who organised the first Pan African Congress in 1919. This evening event includes an exhibition of the Congress’ history and a performance by local artist, Brian Morgan. Contributors to the event include Hakim Adi, Marika Sherwood, Richard Benjamin and Milton Brown. We Face Forward enters it’s final week this week with other events and exhibitions at Manchester Art Gallery, Whitworth Art Gallery and the Gallery of Costume.

Tue 11 Sep, Manchester Museum, Oxford Road, M13 9PL, Tel: 0161 275 2648, 6pm – 8pm, FREE,

Photo: KGGucwa

Tue 11 Sep
Chris Horkan
Published on:
Mon 10 Sep 2012