Turner Prize-winning artist Grayson Perry brings The Vanity of Small Differences tapestries to Manchester Art Gallery as he continues his extraordinary exploration of contemporary British life. Consisting of six tapestries, the exhibition extends from last year’s fascinating hit TV series All In The Best Possible Taste as he incorporates many of the characters and incidents he came across while filming to chart a ‘class journey’ of taste that parodies Hogarth’s satirical work A Rake’s Progress. With titles including ‘Agony In The Car Park’ and ‘Lamentation’, expect nothing less than colourful and informative depictions of class mobility and life in modern Britain. Running until February, this is only the second showing of the exhibition outside of London.

Thu 24 Oct 2013 – Sun 2 Feb 2014, Manchester Art Gallery, Mosley Street, M2 3JL, Tel: 0161 235 8888, Tue – Fri 11am – 6pm, Sat 12pm – 5pm, FREE, www.manchestergalleries.org

Thu 24 Oct - Sun 2 Feb
Hannah Phillips
Published on:
Wed 15 Jan 2014