Bang Said The Gun is a poetry and spoken word night that takes place every Thursday in both Manchester and London. It has previously been featured on Channel 4’s Random Acts, and hosts the best in performance poetry. On Thursday (18 Oct), Bang Said The Gun Manchester moves to a temporary home of Taurus and is headlined by World Slam Champion Harry Baker. Harry performed at several festivals this summer and took two shows to the Edinburgh Fringe in August. He’s also received plenty of attention on YouTube – in particular, a video in which he changes the lyrics to Ed Sheeran ‘The A Team’ so it’s all about desserts. The evening also features the award-winning Cathy Crabb, and Saquib Chowdhury of the Young Identity collective.

Thu 18 Oct, Taurus, Canal Street, M1 3HE, Tel: 0161 236 4593, 7.30pm, £3/£5,

Thu 18 Oct
Zach Roddis
Published on:
Mon 15 Oct 2012