One Sunday a year, those who have to bus in to work in retail jobs have a panic as their Stagecoach gets close to the city centre. ‘Oh god,’ they panic, ‘It’s not Sky Ride again, is it?’ As interest in cycling has picked up over the years so too have the numbers wanting to get out on two wheels for the event – where the streets of Manchester city centre are closed to everyone except for those with a cycle. The great thing is perhaps the wide variety of participants involved, from the lycra-clad addicts who wake up at 5am every morning regardless for a brisk ride, through to hipsters on fixies and even parents with their just-passed-cycling-proficiency youngsters, all bathing in the novelty of not fearing being run over or knocked off. For some, it’s a glimpse of nirvana (though, as discussed, for others it’s a public transport nightmare). Registration is open, or just turn up on the day – if you’ve managed to graduate from stabilisers at any point in your life, you’d be a fool to miss out.

Sun 4 Aug, Manchester city centre, 10am onwards, FREE,

Sun 4 Aug
Matthew Britton
Published on:
Mon 29 Jul 2013